Grief & Loss
Sometimes grief is the price we pay
for the privilege of having loved.
In order to embrace life fully we must be able to endure loss. All change involves a process of letting go. But when we are face with - or forced into – a letting go that we are not ready for, or are not willing or able to accept, the grief can be profound.
Often we try to shoulder the burden of grief alone, or we strive to "be there for others" while skipping the necessity of our own self-care and grieving.
Whether you are in pain from the death of a loved one, the loss of a relationship, the ending of a career, or even the loss of your own vitality and vigor due to aging or illness, grieving is an essential process; and it is a process best done in relationship. You don’t need to face your grief alone, nor do you need to remain in grief in order to honor or hang on to memories of your lost love. Grieving is a journey. Let me help you walk through it to emerge safely and peacefully on the other side.